Saturday, March 22, 2008

Artist StatementI

I as an artist love to experiment with all materials. I enjoy the idea of using any materials and making something that may not have anything in common with the material of choice.

The human body is a theme that I really like working with, There are so many things that could be done to the human body, people alter their body by adding and removing as they please. My fascination with the body from a different view is the development with time. For example, face wrinkles, they may take years to appear but in a flash they can be erased from the face.

The growth of my art works have attained a relationship with the body from the very beginning. (The growth that my art has with the body is just like a wrinkle and a face, with the ability to change with the hand and mind of an artist).

I am also fascinated with the ability for my art to portray motion; still or literal-the amazing reactions that my viewers have when they see something that sparks interest.

I am still growing as an artist and thinking up new ways building a relationship between the body and my art work.

Artist Bio

Gustavo Galvan Junior was born in Dallas, Texas, on November 17, 1987. He began experimenting in art at the young age of 13, sketching anything he saw of interest, with pencil. Later, he attended the highly accredited, Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Dallas, Texas. He graduated in 2006 with a focus in dimensional studies (Art work with a theme of 3-D).

His artwork during his four years in high school was devoted to experimenting with all types of making art, such as drawing, sculpture, jewelry, ceramics, printmaking, and design. During this period, Galvan earned several awards.

He is now a second year student at Alfred University located in Alfred, New York. There he has started to improve his artistic technique by experimenting with different material and studying the styles and techniques of other artists.

He has exhibited in two art shows at his first year of college, and has plans to show and exhibit his artwork in many other surrounding galleries. Galvan is also planning to earn his Bachelors in Art and Design, and a minor in Art History and Business, and graduate May 2010.