Saturday, March 22, 2008

Artist StatementI

I as an artist love to experiment with all materials. I enjoy the idea of using any materials and making something that may not have anything in common with the material of choice.

The human body is a theme that I really like working with, There are so many things that could be done to the human body, people alter their body by adding and removing as they please. My fascination with the body from a different view is the development with time. For example, face wrinkles, they may take years to appear but in a flash they can be erased from the face.

The growth of my art works have attained a relationship with the body from the very beginning. (The growth that my art has with the body is just like a wrinkle and a face, with the ability to change with the hand and mind of an artist).

I am also fascinated with the ability for my art to portray motion; still or literal-the amazing reactions that my viewers have when they see something that sparks interest.

I am still growing as an artist and thinking up new ways building a relationship between the body and my art work.

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